From Educator to Entrepreneur
Being an EDUCATOR in the education service for more than 2 decades has deepen my understanding of how people learn and has sharpened my skills in engaging people to learn and grow. This is the main reason why I have remained in the education sector after leaving the Ministry of Education in Singapore

As an ENTREPRENEUR I am venturing into areas related to my passion ... Character & Soft-skills Development, Fitness & Health and Staff Training & Development. I feel these are also CORE areas of focus for most individuals and organisations. I firmly believe that content delivery is as important as content development in any organisation. Achieving the intended learning outcomes requires effective instructional strategies with the right pedagogy / andragogy. There are already many training gurus and great training companies out there ... yes, I am still learning and honing my skills. I am pursuing excellence in my craft (not perfection) and aiming to be recognised for my craft one day.
Find out more from my blog
Managing Unconscious Bias Certification Program (USA)
Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (WSQ)
Management and Leadership in Schools Programme (NIE)
Business Excellence Niche Standard (People)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement) (Hon I)
Diploma in Physical Education
Diploma in Education
​Diploma in Electronic Engineering
National Day Award - The Commendation Medal
National Innovation and Quality Circles - Silver Award